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Tech Giants Vow to Tackle Online Hate Speech Within 24 Hours

Accepted submission by jmorris http://reversethis-{gro.uaeb} {ta} {sirromj} at 2016-05-31 16:19:20
Digital Liberty

We have heard the rumblings, now it comes.... the Code of Conduct for social media along with the banhammer.

From Bloomberg we get this warning []

U.S. Internet giants Facebook Inc., Twitter Inc., Google and Microsoft Corp. pledged to tackle online hate speech in less than 24 hours as part of a joint commitment with the European Union to combat the use of social media by terrorists.

Of course terrorists are defined down to "unambiguous hate speech that they said promoted racism, homophobia or anti-Semitism" before the short article ends.

Buckle up folks, the ride is is about to get bumpy.

Original Submission