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Introducing HyperDev

Accepted submission by Nerdfest at 2016-06-01 16:45:13

Joel Spolsky may have another hit on his hands with this [].

HyperDev is going to be the fastest way to bang out code and get it running on the internet. We want to eliminate 100% of the complicated administrative details around getting code up and running on a website. The best way to explain that is with a little tour.

Step one. You go to

Boom. Your new website is already running. You have your own private virtual machine (well, really it’s a container but you don’t have to care about that or know what that means) running on the internet at its own, custom URL which you can already give people and they can already go to it and see the simple code we started you out with.

All that happened just because you went to

Notice what you DIDN’T do.

        You didn’t make an account.
        You didn’t use Git. Or any version control, really.
        You didn’t deal with name servers.
        You didn’t sign up with a hosting provider.
        You didn’t provision a server.
        You didn’t install an operating system or a LAMP stack or Node or operating systems or anything.
        You didn’t configure the server.
        You didn’t figure out how to integrate and deploy your code.

The automation and 'magic' continues from there. It's currently only Node/JavaScript, but other languages are coming. It seems like a great idea for a quick mock-up or prototype, and for those learning to code.

Original Submission