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MPAA Lobbyist/SOPA Sponsor to Draft Democratic Party Platform

Accepted submission by The Mighty Buzzard at 2016-06-03 15:02:25

Just in case you still thought any political party had not sold out utterly, Torrentfreak brings us this []:

Last week Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders and Democratic National Committee Chair Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz chose a panel of individuals to draft the party’s platform.

As previously reported [], 15 were selected, with six chosen by Clinton, five chosen by Bernie Sanders and four chosen by Wasserman Schultz. While other publications will certainly pick over the bones of the rest of the committee, one in particular stands out as interesting to TF readers.

Howard L Berman is an attorney and former U.S. Representative. He’s employed at Covington & Burling [] as a lobbyist and represents the MPAA [] on matters including “Intellectual property issues in trade agreements, bilateral investment treaties, copyright, and related legislation.

Omnis circum ad Benjaminum

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