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The Car of the Near Future: 4x More LoC than an F-35

Accepted submission by Anonymous Coward at 2016-06-05 03:05:35

The Boston Globe reports on this year's New England Motor Press Association (NEMPA) conference on automotive design and technology [] held on May 26 at the MIT Media Lab in Cambridge MA; topics included autonomous vehicles, advances in hybrid and electric cars, applications of the latest digital technology (including 3D printing) for design, and the increasing trove of software installed in each new vehicle. Reporter Bill Griffiths neatly summarizes the conference by cherry-picking the best lines from the keynoters and panelists, e.g., this one from Mary Gustanski, VP Engineering of Delphi Automotive:

There are 24 million lines of [software] code in an F-35 fighter jet but there will be 100 million in coming vehicles.

Oh, and better get used to an onslaught of new acronyms and buzzwards like V2P (vehicle to pedestrian), V2V (obvious), V2I, etc.

Toyota was presented an award at the conference for "Toyota Safety Sense" [] (TSS-P), a package of driving safety features supported by in-vehicle cameras and front-grill mounted radar, scheduled to be rolled out to most new Toyota vehicles beginning in model year 2018.

Automotive journalist Steve Hanley presents his conference report here. []

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