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Shark ‘bigger than a boat’ kills Aussie, 2nd fatal attack in a week

Accepted submission by Runaway1956 at 2016-06-05 19:47:27

A suspected great white shark is terrorizing the waters off Perth after fatally attacking a diver on Sunday morning. The woman is the second person to be killed in the area in six days after a surfer died after his leg was bitten off by a great white.

Three fishermen involved in aiding the diver described the shark as longer than their 5.3m boat.

Traps have now been set for the predator.The 60-year-old woman was diving two kilometers off the coast of Mindarie, northern Perth, when the attack happened, according to police. The woman’s diving partner told police he felt “something go past him” in the water before surfacing to see her being attacked.

The question occurred to me: "Why would a shark attack a human, then not consume that human?" Sharks routinely attack various creatures, then they consume those creatures. There may be some waste, but that isn't how predators operate - they kill, they consume all that they can consume, they rest, then they kill and consume again. So, why do they leave all that waste behind, when they attack a human? Some links for thought and discussion: [] [] [] []

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