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Title IX Really had Nothing to do with Women's Sports

Accepted submission by frojack at 2016-06-07 05:40:20

While Title IX [] is perhaps best known for its impact on high school and collegiate athletics, the original statute made no explicit mention of sports.

Shortly after it was passed in and signed into law by President Nixon in 1972, Title IX provided arguably the largest single benefit to women's athletic programs in US history. The provisions of the law broke a logjam in funding for women's teams at colleges and high schools all over the country.

It's not clear why congress did it, or how it remained hidden all these years, but apparently Title IX also contains the seeds of destruction of women's sport, or at least the funding thereof.

The new interpretation of Title IX means that there really can't be any such thing women's sports, and could conceivably collapse the funding for women's athletic programs, and women's scholarships, all the way up to the US Olympic team.

Title IX doesn't forbid funding women's athletic programs. But it apparently prevents there being such a thing as women's teams. Teams can not restrict membership by gender. Therefore men will join the team, win all competition for positions, and shut women out. Again.

Frojack's off his meds you say.

Except that is exactly what has happened in Alaska, where the school system decided to follow the new edict from Washington, opened women's teams to anyone "claiming" to be female and saw Women's State Championships fall to a Male. An anatomically intact male, taking no drugs to induce gender transition, with muscle mass typical of males of her age and ethnicity. Full story here, the "tell it it like it is version" [], as well as the "politically correct version []".
The politically correct version sings "her" praises, and fails to mention that no actual transgender changes have occurred at the biological level.

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