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European Parliament Calls for Investigation of Secret CIA Torture Sites

Accepted submission by n1 at 2016-06-09 17:54:46

The European Parliament on Wednesday condemned the “apathy shown by member states and EU institutions” over torture in secret CIA prisons in Europe.

A non-binding resolution, which passed 329-299, urged member states to “investigate, insuring full transparency, the allegations that there were secret prisons on their territory in which people were held under the CIA programme.” It also called on the European Union to undertake fact-finding missions into countries that were known to house American black sites.

The resolution named Lithuania, Poland, Italy, and the United Kingdom as countries complicit in CIA operations.

The Parliament also expressed “regret” that none of the architects of the U.S. torture program faced criminal charges, and that the U.S. has failed to cooperate with European criminal probes.

Source: The Intercept []

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