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Thieves Dressed as Apple Store Employees Steal $16k Worth of iThingies

Accepted submission by -- OriginalOwner_ at 2016-06-11 04:49:32

from the hiding-in-plain-sight dept.

Cult of Mac reports []

Two teenage thieves reportedly pulled off an iPhone heist [in a New York City Apple Store] without employees ever noticing because they were dressed similar to Apple's staff, says the police.

Angela Ahrendts had Apple Store employees switch to wearing blue uniforms [] with a smaller Apple logo instead of various colorful t-shirts the company would give staff every couple weeks or months. Wearing only blue shirts was supposed to give the store more of a luxury feel, but it's also easier to exploit.

Police say the thieves worked as a team to steal 19 iPhones worth a total of $16,130. One man wearing a blue shirt reportedly walked straight into the SoHo store's electronics repair room at 5:30 on June 1st and pulled out the iPhones like it was totally normal.

With the unlocked iPhones quickly accessed, the thief handed them over to an accomplice. That person then hid the iPhones under his shirt and the pair walked out the store together.

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