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Bitcoin Price Soars Prior to Reward Halving

Accepted submission by Snow at 2016-06-13 16:53:13

Sometime around July 10th, []Bitcoin's block reward will decrease from 25 bitcoin awarded per block, to 12.5 bitcoin. In the last 30 days, bitcoin has increased in price from $450USD to it's current price of around $700USD, [] an increase of about 50%. Bitcoin's current market cap is now exceeding 10 Billion dollars, making it more valuable than Twitter.

Speculation on what is causing this raise ranges from currency controls in China and the devaluing of the Yuan, to speculation over the halving, to theories that 'Big Business' is finally starting to buy into Bitcoin. Regardless of the reasons, Bitcoin has been on a bull run since August of 2015. Many are calling for a new all time high in the coming days or weeks.

Bitcoin used to be infamous for it's volatility after previous run ups in April and November of 2013 saw the price of bitcoin go from $15USD to $250USD then back to $80USD in the span of a couple months. Later that same year, Bitcoin saw further action taking it to it's all time high of $1100USD. Then Mt. Gox happened, and bitcoin went on a two year bear run that it is now showing recovering from.

What do you Soylentils think of Bitcoin? Any HODLers here? Anyone care to make any predictions on the future of bitcoin?

I, personally remember seeing the very first bitcoin article on 'the other site' and thinking it was a complete joke and it would never take off. I was wrong about that. (I was also wrong about the iPod, and iPad too, so my track record is pretty bad...)

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