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Camouflage Shell Makes Heat and Electricity ‘Invisible’

Accepted submission by Phoenix666 at 2016-06-16 14:28:09

A copper camouflage shell, inspired by the chameleon, is the first to render sensors invisible to both thermal and electric image detection [].

Current technologies that make sensors “invisible” also usually make them ineffective, while others only work in specific physical fields—either thermal or electrical.

“We have designed a camouflage ‘shell’ that not only mimics surrounding thermal fields but also electric fields, both at the same time. The object under camouflage becomes truly invisible as its shape and position cannot be detected in terms of both thermal and electric images,” says Qiu Cheng-Wei, an assistant professor at the National University of Singapore who led the project.

There you have it, the solution to make sure your growing operation remains undetectable.

Original Submission