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Canada is hiring 2 new astronauts! Apply by Aug. 15.

Accepted submission by Gaaark at 2016-06-17 21:34:51

Get your applications in quick (you have until August 15): Canada is hiring 2 new astronauts!
Apply here: []

What exactly do Canadian astronauts do?
Canada's active astronauts are based at NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas. Their work involves supporting space missions in progress and preparing for a future mission by taking extensive training. They return to Canada periodically to participate in various activities and encourage young Canadians to pursue their education in STEM fields (science, technology, engineering and mathematics). []

I have not applied, but am guessing you have to be a Canadian resident to apply. (Only in Canada? Pity!)
Oh to be 30 years younger and a whole lot smarter, lol.

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