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ZTE's $99 Zmax Pro smartphone packs in top-line features

Accepted submission by exec at 2016-07-21 21:28:49

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FeedSource: [ComputerWorld] collected from rss-bot logs

Time: 2016-07-18 21:29:19 UTC

Original URL: []

Title: ZTE's $99 Zmax Pro smartphone packs in top-line features

Suggested Topics by Probability (Experimental) : 25.0 hardware 25.0 OS 18.8 science 18.8 mobile 6.2 techonomics 6.2 careers

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ZTE's $99 Zmax Pro smartphone packs in top-line features

ZTE's $99 ZMax Pro packs in some of the latest smartphone technologies, something you wouldn't expect in a low-priced handset.

The smartphone has a 6-in. screen and is available only through MetroPCS [] in the U.S. It weighs about 175 grams and is 8.9 millimeters thick.

It has some top-line features found in the latest smartphones, like a USB Type-C port. It also runs on the latest Android OS 6.0 code-named Marshmallow.

The Gorilla Glass 3 screen shows images at a full HD resolution. The handset has 32GB of internal storage and a micro-SD card for expandable storage. That's a lot of storage for a handset under $100.

The handset is comparable to the new fourth-generation Moto G handset, which is now available unlocked on [] for $199.99 for a 16GB model. The Zmax Pro has a 13-megapixel rear camera and 5-megapixel front camera, along with an eight-core Snapdragon 617 processor, all of which are also packaged in the Moto G.

The ZTE phone also has a 3,400 milli-amp-hour battery, which provides about 25 hours of talk time and 400 hours of standby time. It also features a fingerprint reader, which isn't commonly found in low-cost handsets.

However, the smartphone lacks some other features. It includes 802.11 b/g/n Wi-Fi, not the latest 802.11ac, which offers a wider range and faster speeds.

The smartphone succeeds last year's ZMax 2, which sold for $149. The handset may be available unlocked and through other carriers in the future, but the company wasn't ready to share details.

-- submitted from IRC

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