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SJW-RIdden Arstechnica Marches in Lockstep with DNC Narrative, Points Finger at Russia Bogeyman

Rejected submission by Ethanol-fueled at 2016-07-28 03:34:35

In light of the recent scandals regarding the leaks plaguing the DNC, which have led to the resignation of Debbie Wasserman-Schultz as DNC chair and her subsequent promotion, somewhat formerly-respected tech news outlet ArsTechnica chose to march in lockstep with the party line to trumpet [] that it was the fault of the evil Russians that party Democrats willingly subverted the democratic process and behaved like adolescent cheerleaders in their callous and petulant judgement and treatment of others.

Their desperate tactic is on its face stupid and an insult to even a microcephalic, and is much akin to punching you in the face and pointing at somebody down the street while saying, "That guy's an asshole!"

The light of truth is being shone into the darkest corners of American politics, and the proverbial vermin are scurrying for cover. With regard to political news, we as a planet are living in a Bizzaro-World where Sputnik, RT, Infowars, and Colbert are to be trusted while CNN, BBC, MSNBC, et al. are not to be trusted.

Some people have been pointing all that out all along, for years. Could it finally be time that the masses accept that those have been right about all this, and not just in a "broken clock is right twice a day" sense?

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