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Ditch your Macs, Dell tells EMC staff

Accepted submission by Arthur T Knackerbracket at 2016-07-29 15:42:22

Story automatically generated by StoryBot Version 0.1.0a (Development).

Note: This is the complete story and will need further editing. It may also be covered by Copyright and thus should be acknowledged and quoted rather than printed in its entirety.

FeedSource: [TheRegister] collected from rss-bot logs

Time: 2016-07-29 01:32:50 UTC

Original URL: []

Title: Ditch your Macs, Dell tells EMC staff

Suggested Topics by Probability (Experimental) : 20.7 science 15.5 hardware 13.8 business 12.1 OS 8.6 mobile 8.6 digiliberty 5.2 security 3.4 techonomics 3.4 technomics 3.4 code 1.7 gaming 1.7 careersedu 1.7 careers

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- Entire Story Below --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Ditch your Macs, Dell tells EMC staff

Arthur T Knackerbracket has found the following story []:

Amid Dell's looming takeover of EMC [], an edict has been issued insisting that Dell customers must only ever see Dell laptops during meetings and consulting engagements, EMC insiders have told The Register.

Thus, any Macs in EMC staffers' hands will be confined to quarters.

After Dell and EMC combine, those office-bound Apple computers should be safe from company-wide rollouts of Dell Windows PCs. EMC has in the past revealed [] it has a bring-your-own-device policy that lets people use personal devices to access email, in-house messaging and private cloud storage.

Dell confirmed [] in the past it is fully behind the BYOD movement, just not for its own staff (apart from smartphones).

At least EMC staff after being offered nice replacement kit, in the form of the gaming-bred XPS machines [], that another insider told us have been promised to incoming Dell employees.

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