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Dispute Over the Pasteur Institute President's Age

Accepted submission by Anonymous Coward at 2016-08-02 16:19:56

Is 65 too old to stay at the helm of a major research center?

[...] Bréchot, who previously led INSERM, the French biomedical research agency, aspires to a second term, but he will turn 65 in July 2017. Under the governing statutes of the foundation that runs the Paris center, that disqualifies him for the renewal, Pasteur’s 21-strong board of directors has concluded. Angered by the board’s refusal to change the rules, Pasteur’s General Meeting, a parliament-style governing body, dissolved the board in June. Now, Bréchot’s future is in limbo.

[...] The board, which includes six Pasteur scientists, would not budge. Changing Article 12 would be a lengthy affair that requires government involvement and could lead to a complete review of the foundation’s statutes to align them with those of other French foundations, says board chair Rose-Marie Van Lerberghe. That could damage Pasteur, she adds: For example, Bréchot earns a sizable salary but typical foundation statutes require an unpaid president, which would make it difficult to recruit a top candidate.

How old is too old for this job and others?

Would making the position unpaid like other foundation actually make it "difficult to recruit a top candidate"? []

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