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Despite Scandals, US Wants 4,000 More UN Troops in South Sudan

Accepted submission by n1 at 2016-08-09 15:51:39

Washington’s ambassador to the U.N. this week circulated a draft resolution to the 15-member Security Council, seen by Reuters, that would approve a regional protection force "to use all necessary means, including undertaking robust and active steps and engaging in direct operations where necessary," to secure Juba and protect the airport and other key facilities.

Meanwhile a U.N. report released Friday said the organization's own peacekeepers failed through a “combination of inaction, abandonment of post and refusal to engage” to protect people who were attacked by gunmen within a U.N. Protection of Civilians site in the city of Malakal.

[...] Beyond failing to do their job, U.N. peacekeepers have been embroiled in sexual abuse scandals [] involving children being paid for sex and raped at the hands of soldiers.

A report last March revealed that at least 98 girls from the Central African Republic were sexually abused by U.N. peacekeepers and French troops, with four of the girls forced to have sex with a dog by a French commander. The soldiers were deployed as part of the U.N.'s mission in CAR known as MINUSCA.

[...] In June, The Intercept reported that rebel forces in South Sudan used child soldiers and that the U.S. State Department, under Hillary Clinton, sent arms despite a law that bans providing military assistance to nations that arm children.

Source: TeleSUR []

South Sudan gained independence [] from Sudan in 2011, following a referendum that passed with 98.83% of the vote.

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