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Mefenamic Acid Might Cure Alzheimers - Generic Cost in US is Crazy

Accepted submission by hemocyanin at 2016-08-14 07:05:55

I ran across a story in the acclaimed medical journal, International Business Times, about how an old PMS medication from the 60s might be an Alzheimer's cure []. Considering the source, I don't put a ton of stock in the story but it was interesting enough to look around a little more. That led me first to wikipedia to learn a little more about the drug in question (sounds like it has nasty side effects), which is when I got totally sidetracked []:

Mefenamic acid is generic and is available worldwide under many brand names.[5]

In the USA, wholesale price of a week's supply of generic mefenamic acid has been quoted as $426.90 in 2014. Brand-name Ponstel is $571.70.[15] In contrast, in the UK, a weeks supply is £1.66, or £8.17 for branded Ponstan.[16] In the Philippines, 10 tablets of 500 mg generic mefenamic acid cost PHP39.00 (or the equivalent of $0.88USD) as of October 25, 2014.

The numbers in wikipedia may be extreme, but not by much. Looking online, I see that thirty 250mg tablets cost at least $111 [] at Walmart []. In an almost direct reversal of the quantity and price numbers, one hundred 250mg tablets cost $35 [] from a UK manufacturer, but to get the drug at that price, you must break Federal law [].

The rest of my comment would be a long string of expletives which I shall omit.

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