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Flyer Education: You Can Now Take a 3-Year Course on Flying Drones

Accepted submission by Arthur T Knackerbracket at 2016-08-17 14:34:51
Career & Education

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FeedSource: [CNET] collected from rss-bot logs

Time: 2016-08-17 08:02:52-17:00 UTC

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Title: Flyer education: You can now take a 3-year course on flying drones - CNET

Suggested Topics by Probability (Experimental) : 14.3 hardware 14.3 OS 12.2 digiliberty 10.2 code 10.2 careersedu 8.2 science 8.2 mobile 4.1 security 4.1 business 4.1 breaking 2.0 techonomics 2.0 technomics 2.0 software 2.0 gaming 2.0 careers

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Flyer education: You can now take a 3-year course on flying drones - CNET

Arthur T Knackerbracket has found the following story []:

Drones are increasingly becoming a go-to for both hobbyists and the workforce, with racing [] and aircraft inspection [] being two prime examples of how this technology is becoming a big thing.

Tokyo's Vantan High School is now ensuring the next generation is abreast of this burgeoning tech by offering a three-year course on drones.

The course offers more than just an understanding of how to pilot a drone, also providing lessons in maintenance, aviation laws and computer programming when the need arises for firmware updates.

While hobbyists may feel this is the perfect opportunity for them, Vantan is offering it to students who have legitimate UAV vocation aspirations. It'll teach what could end up being a truly valuable skill set, with demand for drone operators and engineers in the workforce set to rise in Japan in the next five years, according to Impress research [].

It's not the only new happening in the drone world -- drone maker DJI earlier this month opened a drone arena in South Korea [], a facility specifically designed for UAV enthusiasts to stretch their wings in. In late July, Amazon announced it'd be trialling drone deliveries [] throughout the UK.

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