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Former NBA Star Kobe Bryant Unveils $100 Million Venture Capital Fund

Accepted submission by takyon at 2016-08-22 05:13:52

Win Kobe Bryant's money []:

The retired NBA star will unveil on Monday his venture-capital fund, a $100 million vehicle for investing in technology, media and data companies. Bryant, who turns 38 on Tuesday, isn't going it alone: He is partnering with 43-year-old Jeff Stibel, a longtime entrepreneur and investor who was introduced to Bryant by a mutual friend. They have named their firm Bryant Stibel and will be based in the Los Angeles area.

The two have been invested in 15 companies since 2013, but only after Bryant's retirement from basketball have they decided to formalize their relationship and fund. Current investments include sports media website The Players Tribune, videogame designer Scopely, legal-services company LegalZoom, a telemarketing-software firm called RingDNA and a home-juicing company called Juicero.

Expanded WSJ coverage [].

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