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Ask Soylent: Quitting No-Notice over Worker-Hostile Policies?

Accepted submission by at 2016-08-30 01:58:50
Career & Education

An Anonymous Soylentil 'Connor the Kicking Cog' writes:

Under two months ago I started working at a massive incumbent telecom company in their regional call center. From the start it has been a draining experience. The orientation lasted two days, alternating between how much the company loves us, especially veterans, and how unions are awful things. The first real day of training included a bunch of inane policies such as:

  • In the first 90 Days no time off is allowed, even sick time, unless it was brought up during the interview process.
  • During the 90 Days, missing a day of work for any reason causes a demerit which is given as a "verbal written warning".
  • During the 90 Days, two demerits goes to "final written warning".
  • During the 90 Days, three demerits is an automatic firing.
  • At any time being more than 10 minutes but less than 2 hours late is a half demerit.
  • At any time being more than 2 hours late is a full demerit.
  • Time off can be used to counteract a demerit, but only if incurred after 90 days.
  • Demerits incurred during the 90 Days do not "wash off" but the warnings do, and the threshold increases before warnings start.
  • You cannot be promoted or make a lateral move before one year of service. This is repeated endlessly.
  • You cannot be promoted or make a lateral move if you have any warnings within the last six months.
  • If promoted after a year there is another new 90 Day period where no time off is allowed. Even if you have more than a decade of service this policy remains.
  • The company does not hire for many positions from the outside, so you must do one year in a lower role before being considered. This is true even if you have done work at that level or even higher elsewhere.
  • The shift you accepted during the hiring process cannot be changed for one year.
  • If you change your shift after one year, you must wait another full year before you can change it again.

Call centers are regimented things, but these policies are so worker-hostile I am surprised staff turnover is not an issue already. The training completed before the 40 day mark, but was longer some time ago, yet the 90 day period remains.

Thankfully another company has hired me and all background checks have cleared so I will be departing from the soulless mega-corporation. Being a professional I would prefer not to needlessly burn bridges, but I am not going to give the customary two weeks notice. Based on the above policies I believe it is likely I will be immediately escorted out should I do so without any compensation for the two week period. Does anyone reading this believe they would "recoup their investment in training me" by keeping me on for those two weeks?

Is it worthwhile to state in my resignation email that these policies were major motivating factors in departing as soon as possible? Or would such an email only be cathartic for me at best? Or even a risk at worst?

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