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New Zealand Judge to Allow Kim Dotcom to Livestream Extradition Appeal

Accepted submission by takyon at 2016-08-30 02:50:15
Digital Liberty

Kim Dotcom has found a way [] to attract more attention and potentially embarrass the U.S.... live streaming video of his court battle:

Internet entrepreneur Kim Dotcom will be allowed to livestream his legal bid to halt his extradition to the United States, a New Zealand judge ruled Tuesday. Dotcom and three of his colleagues are appealing a December lower-court decision which allows them to be extradited to the U.S. to face conspiracy, racketeering and money-laundering charges. If found guilty, they could face decades in jail.

Dotcom's lawyer Ira Rothken told The Associated Press he was pleased with the decision. "It provides everybody in the world with a seat in the gallery of the New Zealand courtroom," Rothken said. "It's democracy at its finest." Rothken said the livestreaming would begin Wednesday on YouTube. He said there would be a 20-minute delay to prevent any evidence that was protected by the court from becoming public. The appeal is expected to last six weeks.

The case could still take years to be resolved []:

Arguments for Mathias Ortmann and Bram van der Kolk are expected to take around eight days but the whole process is forecast to be a drawn-out affair. In the District Court the extradition hearing was supposed to take four weeks but actually took ten. This time around the actions of the District Court will be picked over in fine detail, concentrating closely on numerous matters of law. The United States Department of Justice isn't expected to begin its arguments for another three weeks or so. The hearing continues tomorrow but it's unlikely that any final decision will arrive even this year. Dotcom and his rivals in the US both seem prepared to take this battle all the way to the Supreme Court in New Zealand if necessary. That could take years.

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