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$329 HacBook Can Run OS X--or Linux or Windows

Accepted submission by -- OriginalOwner_ at 2016-08-31 02:48:54

from the pystar-redux? dept.

El Reg reports []

An outfit called "Hacbook" is channeling Psystar, offering Mac OS laptops for US$329.

The laptops are actually refurbished HP EliteBooks, with a 14-inch, 1600x900 display, Sandy Bridge i5 CPU, 802.11 a/b/g/n, up to 1TB of disk, and 8GB of RAM. That's a spec Apple could have sold you in about 2013.

[...]The machines ship with no operating system but do include an installer its makers say "shouldn't take you more than 15 minutes to set up."

Jack Kim, one of the people behind the project, suggests you buy an OS X licence from Apple.

[...]"We're merely selling kits that users can then do whatever they want with afterwards."

"It's optimized to run OS X, but you can install Linux or Windows on it and use it however you want--that's completely up to the user. If Apple contacts us with concerns we'll work together to solve them."

[...]It's not the first time someone's run up a version of OS X on much cheaper hardware. Those with long memories will recall Psystar, which fell victim to Cupertino's lawyers [] in 2009.

I wondered if these things come with Secure Boot--which I prefer to call Crippled Boot [] (orig) []
or Security Theater Boot [] (orig) []. One source said that HP's 8460p [] did not. (orig) []

Original Submission