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Celebrations Abound as Angela Corey, "Cruelest Prosecutor in America", Ousted

Accepted submission by -- OriginalOwner_ at 2016-09-01 08:53:32

from the notorious dept.

Common Dreams reports []

Reviled Florida State Attorney Angela Corey lost her reelection bid [] on [August 30], prompting widespread celebration as the woman The Nation once suggested was "the cruelest prosecutor in America []" was ousted.

"Corey's loss is an encouraging sign that the public will no longer tolerate overzealous and unprincipled criminal prosecutions, including women and children", University of Miami law professor Mary Anne Franks said in a statement.

Corey, whose eight-year tenure in Florida's Fourth Judicial Circuit Court saw her charge 77 children as adults in 2016 alone and sentence more people to death than any other Florida prosecutor, gained widespread notoriety for her inadequate prosecution of Trayvon Martin's killer, George Zimmerman [], and for seeking a 60-year sentence for Marissa Alexander [], a domestic violence survivor with three children, for firing a warning shot in the direction of her abusive husband. (Alexander spent three years in prison.)

[...]Corey was defeated by unknown opponent and corporate lawyer Melissa Nelson, who will now face off with write-in candidate Kenny Leigh in the general election--although Jacksonville media noted that no write-in candidate has ever been elected to the state attorney position in Florida, and that Leigh has yet to make a single campaign appearance.

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