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Phase I Trial Results for Alzheimer's Disease Shows Promise

Accepted submission by Anonymous Coward at 2016-09-01 18:44:27

[Newly] published results from a closely watched clinical trial are being hailed as a big win by some in the Alzheimer’s treatment field. The trial data hint that an anti–β amyloid antibody drug called aducanumab warded off cognitive decline in people diagnosed with early Alzheimer’s. But the trial, an early test of the antibody’s safety, is still too small to prove conclusive, leading many others to caution against false hope.

[...] newly published results from a closely watched clinical trial are being hailed as a big win by some in the Alzheimer’s treatment field. The trial data hint that an anti–β amyloid antibody drug called aducanumab warded off cognitive decline in people diagnosed with early Alzheimer’s. But the trial, an early test of the antibody’s safety, is still too small to prove conclusive, leading many others to caution against false hope.

[...] Overall, Alzheimer’s researchers are urging caution about the new drug results—even those who are co-authors on the paper. The study was “grossly underpowered” to determine whether cognition was actually better in people who took aducanumab, or a statistical fluke

Phase III trials are currently in progress and should be completed by 2020. [] [] [] []

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