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Lindsay Lohan GTA V Case Kicked Out of Court

Accepted submission by takyon at 2016-09-02 18:11:37
Digital Liberty

Even a starlet can't defeat the First Amendment []:

Hellraiser Lindsay Lohan has had her case against Grand Theft Auto developers Rockstar Games, for allegedly basing a character on her image, thrown out by a New York court. The actress claimed that her image was used as the basis of one of the game's characters, Lacey Jonas. The Jonas character allowed players to rescue her from swarms of paparazzi and take her home and the cover art for the game featured a woman holding a mobile who, it was argued, looked remarkably like Lohan.

Lohan's lawsuit, filed two years ago [], said that the places and events in both characters' storylines were "substantially similar" to her own life and there could be no doubt about who the game was sending up.

[...] However, the court threw out the case on Thursday. The court ruled that because her name was never used, and the character doesn't look exactly like her, Lohan had no case. The ruling said []: "This video game's unique story, characters, dialogue, and environment, combined with the player's ability to choose how to proceed in the game, render it a work of fiction and satire."

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