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Prenda's Paul Hansmeier Loses His Law License; Won't Be Filing Bogus ADA Lawsuits For Now

Accepted submission by -- OriginalOwner_ at 2016-09-15 01:23:12

from the some-good-news-about-a-bad-corporation dept.

TechDirt reports []

Prenda Law's Paul Hansmeier, infamous for constantly scheming about ways to use the judicial process to [shake down] people for money and pompously overstating his own position (e.g., "welcome to the big leagues") has now lost his license to practice law [].[PDF] The order from the Minnesota Supreme Court rather matter-of-factly lays out the claims against Hansmeier (amazingly, he seems to get off lightly given how much other stuff he did):

Hansmeier committed misconduct in the first matter by bringing a lawsuit for the sole purpose of conducting discovery to find the identity of others against whom claims could be made, making misrepresentations to the tribunal, filing articles of termination for a corporation that contained false statements. failing to comply with discovery requests, failing to pay attorney fees assessed against him, and transferring funds out of his law firm in order to avoid paying sanctions. In a second matter, Hansmeier committed misconduct by participating in the initiation of a lawsuit without a basis in law and fact, making false and misleading statements to the court, failing to pay attorney fees assessed against him by the court, and submitting to the court a financial statement that was false, misleading, and deceptive. In a third matter, Hansmeier committed misconduct by bringing a frivolous action for an improper purpose. And in a fourth matter, Hansmeier committed misconduct by testifying falsely during a deposition, bringing a frivolous claim, and perpetrating a fraud upon the court.


Respondent Paul Robert Hansmeier is indefinitely suspended from the practice of law, effective 14 days from the date of this order, with no right to petition for reinstatement for 4 years from the effective date of his suspension.

[...]Hansmeier has now had his assets liquidated [] in bankruptcy and his law license taken away. What's next? Well, last we'd heard, it sounded like criminal charges were getting closer [], so perhaps he has that to look forward to as well.

Previous copyright trolling, etc. by Prenda. []

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