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Video Shows USPS Worker Dumping Bins Of Mail In A Ditch

Accepted submission by Anonymous Coward at 2016-10-23 23:30:04

"Yet another United States Postal Service employee is joining The Mail Carrier Hall Of Shame, after being accused of dumping hundreds of pieces of mail into a ditch — while a local filmed the whole thing.

The USPS is investigating after residents in Decatur, GA reported seeing a mail carrier throwing several bins of mail into the woods behind a subdivision, WSB-TV reports.

The subdivision’s HOA president witnessed the dumping on Tuesday, and sent the news station video and photos of incident.

“I sat there and recorded for about five minutes. And he continued to just grab more mail and continued to just toss it over the fence,” she told WSB-TV. “At one point he actually stopped and took a break like he was tired, and continued to toss the mail. He eventually drove off like it was normal.”

The station tipped off USPS, and the agency dispatched investigators to the scene. Once there, it took five postal workers two hours to collect more than a dozen bins’ worth of mail."

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