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Linux Voice to cease publication as a stand-alone magazine, merge with Linux Magazine

Accepted submission by Anonymous Coward at 2016-10-28 21:58:25
Digital Liberty

"Linux Voice / Linux Magazine Merge

Issue 32 is the last issue of Linux Voice as a stand-alone magazine as we have joined Linux Magazine. This newly merged magazine will bring the best bits of Linux Voice and Linux Magazine together into a single volume. All four of us Linux Voice founders will still be here contributing to the newly merged magazine – you’ll find us in the aptly named Linux Voice section. We’ll continue to write about the things that excite us in the world of open source software and we’ll continue making our popular podcast.

Now that we’re free of the day-to-day work of running the business, we can focus again on great technology. As well as us four, we’re working with Linux Magazine to keep bringing great content to the Linux-using world, and this includes former contributors to Linux Voice.

The first issue of Linux Magazine done in tandem with Linux Voice (issue 193) is on its way to subscribers now and will be available in newsagents from 29th October 2016.

We’re sure you’ve got a lot of questions, and we’ve tried to anticipate the most common ones below."

Frequently Asked Questions on the Linux Voice / Linux Magazine Merge: [] []

Original Submission