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Smartphone Software Smooths Jerky Touches

Accepted submission by charon at 2016-12-04 07:08:16

Two university students and their professor have created smartphone software [] that allows people with hand tremors to use touchscreens accurately.

According to The Hebrew University of Jerusalem 11 million people have cerebral palsy globally, an additional 10 million have Parkinson's Disease and with an aging population there is growing demand for a solution.

It was a situation noted by two of the university's students - Aviva Dayan and Ido Elad - and their Professor Yuval Kochman who went on to develop a potentially "life-changing", but yet-to-be-named, tremor absorbing software which could open up touchscreen technology to millions of people.

[...] Dayan describes the software as a "translation programme" which intercepts and "listens" to the shaky screen touches, cancelling out the "noise" of the tremors for the operating system to understand and act upon without delay.

[...] Dayan says: "As far as the user is concerned, they just press the icons on the screen, and the computer works just the same as it works for anyone else."

This looks to be an invaluable piece of software to keep older people connected to their friends and family.

Original Submission