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Zuckerberg's Political Ambitions?

Accepted submission by aristarchus at 2016-12-11 03:04:00
Digital Liberty

Business Insider features a column [] that tries to connect some dots between Thiel and Zuckerberg.

Now that we have seen the texts sent between Facebook founder and investor Marc Andreessen discussing Zuckerberg's desire to make sure his stock holdings do not prevent him from being able "to serve two years in government," as Bloomberg reported, it casts new light on Zuckerberg's relationship with Peter Thiel.

All groundless speculation, no doubt, but the author, Jim Edwards, does provide a timeline [] that is interesting, to say the least. The issue comes up because of a recent shareholder lawsuit against Facebook's board [] that forced release of the aforementioned texts.

As Alice said in Wonderland, "curiouser and curiouser".

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