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Zika Virus and Microcephaly Underreporting in Colombia

Accepted submission by Anonymous Coward at 2016-12-11 14:27:11

A far higher number of babies in Colombia have developed microcephaly related to Zika virus infections than previously reported. [...] It now appears that incomplete reporting may explain some of the disparity.

[...] the CDC and Colombia’s ministry of health and national institute of health, offers “preliminary information” about 476 cases of microcephaly identified over the last 11 months. In contrast, the latest World Health Organization (WHO) “situation report”, with data current to 7 December, said that Colombia had only reported 60 cases

[...] Zika is probably not to blame for all of the 476 cases. The paper reports that 306 of the affected babies were tested for Zika virus infection with the ultrasensitive polymerase chain reaction that detects viral RNA or immune markers. Just under half, 147, had evidence of Zika virus infection. [] [] []

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