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US Supreme Court Deadlock Prevents Stay of Execution

Accepted submission by Anonymous Coward at 2016-12-11 14:54:16

An Alabama inmate was put to death by lethal injection on Thursday after a deadlocked Supreme Court refused to stay his execution, The Associated Press reported. The inmate, Ronald B. Smith, had been sentenced to death by a judge despite a jury’s recommendation of life without parole.

Mr. Smith was convicted in 1995 of murdering Casey Wilson, a convenience store clerk, the previous year. By a vote of 7 to 5, the jury rejected the death penalty and recommended a sentence of life without parole. The judge overrode that recommendation, sentencing Mr. Smith to death.

[...] In January, the Supreme Court struck down Florida’s capital sentencing system, which also allowed judicial overrides of jury recommendations of life sentences. “The Sixth Amendment requires a jury, not a judge, to find each fact necessary to impose a sentence of death,”

Should judges be allowed to overrule a jury's decision for sentencing? []

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