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Kentucky Fried Breach

Accepted submission by Fnord666 at 2016-12-13 19:17:06

BankInfoSecurity has a recent article on another data breach, this one at none other than KFC []. More generally though it also discusses how loyalty programs are one of the new targets for data theft.

In the latest sign that when it comes to data, absolutely nothing is sacred, hackers have set their sights on fans of Kentucky Fried Chicken.

KFC, a Yum Brands chain, is warning 1.2 million members of its loyalty program in the U.K. and Ireland that their login credentials may have been compromised by attackers attempting to guess usernames and passwords. It's sent an email to all program members urging them to change their passwords.

"We take the online security of our fans very seriously, so we've advised all Colonel's Club members to change their passwords as a precaution, despite only a small number of accounts being directly affected," Brad Scheiner, Head of IT at KFC UK & Ireland, tells Information Security Media Group. "We don't store credit card details as part of our Colonel's Club rewards scheme, so no financial data was compromised."

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