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Commercial Crabbing Off Oregon's Coast Delayed by Domoic Acid Detection

Accepted submission by takyon at 2016-12-14 01:21:35

Yay, crab []:

Fresh Oregon Dungeness crab will hit stores just in time for the holidays. Commercial crabbing will open on the southern Oregon coast – from Cape Blanco to the California border – on Dec. 18, the Oregon Department of Agriculture and Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife announced. The season had been delayed past its traditional Dec. 1 opening because of high levels of domoic acid.

"We have consistently taken a very precautionary approach when opening our crab fisheries," Caren Braby, ODFW marine resources program manager said. "Recent test results have consistently shown low biotoxin results on the southern end of the state and decreasing levels in ports north of this area indicating they are of excellent quality, safe for consumption and ready for harvest."

[...] Shellfish toxins such as domoic acid are produced by algae and originate in the ocean. Domoic acid or amnesic shellfish toxin poisoning can cause dizziness, headaches, vomiting and diarrhea. More severe cases can result in memory loss and death.

Domoic acid [].

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