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Student Lets Thief Steal His Phone, Spies on Him for Documentary [video]

Accepted submission by exec at 2016-12-19 19:28:27

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Time: 2016-12-18 18:33:00 UTC

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Title: Student Lets Thief Steal His Phone, Spies on Him for Documentary [video]

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Student Lets Thief Steal His Phone, Spies on Him for Documentary [video]

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                                15 hours ago by​
                                    Rokas L

Film student Anthony van der Meer had his iPhone stolen and the thought that a stranger had access to all of his personal data really concerned him. What kind of person would steal a phone? Where do these phones end up? These were his biggest questions. To get answers, Anthony had another phone stolen from him on purpose, but this time he followed the thief using a hidden app and made a captivating documentary film about the whole process.

“Find my Phone” was possible because of a spyware app called Cerberus. Using it, van der Meer was able to remotely track and control his phone whenever it was turned on and connected to the internet. Anthony listened to the thief’s calls, read his messages, took photos, and even recorded both audio and video. The filmmaker then compressed everything into a thrilling 21 minute documentary movie which highlights how easy it is to spy on someone in the digital age. The video has already been viewed by more than 1.7 millions of people.

Latest update shows that his phone resurfaced in Romania.

More info: [] (h/t: petapixel [])

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Maybe not the most edge-of-seat-gripping short I've ever watched, but very interesting and a bit creepy (in a good way). And I am very glad I never bought a used phone O.o

This is very cool. Makes me a bit weirded out as I have a secondhand iPhone! It's interesting that van der Meer felt sorry for the theif, but in real life he seemed aggressive and hostile. Interesting thoughts about how we act when nobody is watching and how we act in the 'real world'.

If only there was something like the app he used for for iPhones as well. Find my iPhone is basically useless.

The difference is that a stolen iPhone is completely useless to the thief. You can't hack or install anything on it. It's a dead brick.

you can really easily, here in Zimbabwe you can pay $10 to have a phone "unlocked"

Maybe not the most edge-of-seat-gripping short I've ever watched, but very interesting and a bit creepy (in a good way). And I am very glad I never bought a used phone O.o

This is very cool. Makes me a bit weirded out as I have a secondhand iPhone! It's interesting that van der Meer felt sorry for the theif, but in real life he seemed aggressive and hostile. Interesting thoughts about how we act when nobody is watching and how we act in the 'real world'.

If only there was something like the app he used for for iPhones as well. Find my iPhone is basically useless.

The difference is that a stolen iPhone is completely useless to the thief. You can't hack or install anything on it. It's a dead brick.

you can really easily, here in Zimbabwe you can pay $10 to have a phone "unlocked"

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