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Kaspersky Lab's Top Investigator Reportedly Arrested in Treason Probe

Accepted submission by Fnord666 at 2017-01-27 15:41:36

In a move that stunned some security researchers, a top investigator at Russia's largest antivirus provider, Kaspersky Lab, has been arrested in an investigation into treason, a crime that upon conviction can carry severe sentences.

Ruslan Stoyanov, the head of Kaspersky Lab's investigations unit, was arrested in December, Russian newspaper Kommersant reported Wednesday []. The paper said that Sergei Mikhailov, a division head of the Russian intelligence service FSB, was also arrested in the same probe. Stoyanov joined the Moscow-based AV company in 2012 and was chiefly involved in investigating and responding to hacking-related crimes carried out in Russia. His LinkedIn profile [] shows he served as a major in the cybercrime unit of Russia's Ministry of Interior from 2000 to 2006.

"The case against this employee does not involve Kaspersky Lab," company officials wrote in a statement issued following the report. "The employee, who is Head of the Computer Incidents Investigation Team, is under investigation for a period predating his employment at Kaspersky Lab. We do not possess details of the investigation. The work of Kaspersky Lab's Computer Incidents Investigation Team is unaffected by these developments."

[...] Whatever the specifics are behind the investigation into Stoyanov, security researchers said the arrest will likely cause colleagues in Russia and elsewhere to self-censor potentially sensitive findings.

"For those living and working under oppressive regimes, keep up the good fight," Jake Williams, founder of security firm Rendition Software who previously worked for the Department of Defense, wrote in a blog post []. "But also remember that no incident response report or conference talk is worth jail time (or worse)." In a message to Ars, he added: "I think that these charges will cause security researchers, particularly those in states with oppressive governments, to carefully consider the weight of reporting details of security incidents."

Source: []

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