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Washington, D.C. CCTV Surveillance Camera Data Storage Hacked Ahead of Inauguraton

Accepted submission by takyon at 2017-01-29 15:38:48

Over a hundred surveillance camera storage devices operated by the Metropolitan Police Department of the District of Columbia [] were hacked just days ahead of the Inauguration []. Ransomware was found on some of the devices and officials said the extortion effort "was localized":

Hackers infected 70 percent of storage devices that record data from D.C. police surveillance cameras eight days before President Trump's inauguration, forcing major citywide reinstallation efforts, according to the police and the city's technology office. City officials said ransomware left police cameras unable to record between Jan. 12 and Jan. 15. The cyberattack affected 123 of 187 network video recorders in a closed-circuit TV system for public spaces across the city, the officials said late Friday.

Brian Ebert, a Secret Service official, said the safety of the public or protectees was never jeopardized. Archana Vemulapalli, the city's Chief Technology Officer, said the city paid no ransom and resolved the problem by taking the devices offline, removing all software and restarting the system at each site.

Also at The Hill [].

Original Submission