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VLC Contacted by French Tax Authority Due to a "One-Way Endorsement"

Accepted submission by takyon at 2017-01-31 15:04:17
Digital Liberty

The VideoLAN project [], which is based in France [], was contacted by a French tax authority [] due to a torrent site linking to the VLC Media Player:

A few hours ago, Next INpact [] reported that VideoLAN had received a letter from the [National Tax Investigation Branch of the French Ministry for the Economy and Finance], asking for detailed information on The reason for the inquiry is that the site in question, also accessible via, has a help section [] that explains how people can download torrents. This guide ends with a link to the VLC Media Player, as can be seen below [image []].

While the Internet is full of links, the National Tax Investigation Branch suspected that VideoLAN was closely involved with the torrent site, asking the organization to hand over all sorts of documentation. Specifically, they requested "complete customer details," "bank details," "payment methods of the customer and date of last payment," and a copy of the "referencing contract" for the and domains.

When confronted with the usual request by a reporter, the Ministry of Economy and Finance didn't give in. Instead, it reportedly stated that "if they have a link to your website, it's because you pay them: SEO is not free..," suggesting some kind of active cooperation. VideoLAN received quite a bit of support after the news broke as many people had trouble wrapping their head around the absurd situation. After a storm of protests, the authorities eventually decided to back down. In a response on Twitter, the ministry described the situation as an 'error of judgment [],' adding that failures like this can always happen.

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