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Researcher Develops Completely Explosion-Proof Lithium Metal Battery With 2X Power of Lithium Ion

Accepted submission by Fnord666 at 2017-01-31 21:04:56

It seems that we're constantly hearing about promising new battery technologies and eventually one of them will stick.
Mike Zimmerman, a professor at Tufts University and founder of Ionic Materials, hopes that his remarkably resilient ionic battery technology will be the one that does []. At a glance, his ionic battery technology appears to a legitimate shot at finally pushing the category forward in a significant way.

The reason scientists and researchers pay so much attention to battery design is because today's lithium-ion units have several downsides. As we saw recently with Samsung's Galaxy Note 7 recall, they can overheat and catch fire. Even when they work correctly, lithium-ion batteries degrade over a relatively short time as they go through recharge cycles, and they don't last all that long to begin with.

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