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Matter-Antimatter Asymmetry Confirmed in Baryons

Accepted submission by jIyajbe at 2017-02-01 17:38:55

Why is there a Universe, and why is it filled with matter, and not equal amounts of matter and antimatter? The last question is a puzzle that has gainfully occupied the minds of and employed physicists for many years. The time spent pondering such questions has not been wasted, as it turns out, as researchers from the Large Hadron Collider b detector report that one of the theoretical paths that allows matter to outnumber antimatter is open for business....Researchers at the LHCb have shown that baryons (along with mesons) also violate Charge-Parity (CP) symmetry, thus making it statistically possible for more matter to be created than antimatter.

(Caveat: Dataset currently provides "only" a 3.3 sigma confidence level.) []

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