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Can Combining Plants & Robots Into 'Bio-hybrids' Help Grow Architecture & Food?

Accepted submission by Phoenix666 at 2017-02-03 13:53:14

It's Futurism Friday at Treehugger []:

If you have heard of rooftop farms [], container farms [], and automated indoor farms [], then you might be familiar with how some forward-thinkers are combining automation and robotics with next-generation food production techniques to help feed the world in the twenty-first century.

Now, a multidisciplinary group of biologists, mechanical engineers, computer scientists and architects from Poland, Denmark, Germany, and Austria are exploring how some of these same ideas might translate into our built environment -- one that may someday be created out of an alliance between robots and plants. Flora Robotica [] is a project that aims to create plant-robot "biohybrids" and scaling it up to establish a “society of bio-hybrids that function in a self-organizing, distributed cognitive system capable of growth and development through interaction with humans, resulting in the creation of architectural structures.”

They ought to consider carefully that robotic farmers are what got the Quarians [] into trouble.

Original Submission