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Salicylic acid, a widespread ingredient in pain relief medications, promotes nasal mucosa colonizati

Accepted submission by exec at 2017-02-04 01:46:02

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FeedSource: [ScienceDaily]

Time: 2017-02-03 16:27:18 UTC

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Title: Salicylic acid, a widespread ingredient in pain relief medications, promotes nasal mucosa colonization

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Salicylic acid, a widespread ingredient in pain relief medications, promotes nasal mucosa colonization

Arthur T Knackerbracket has found the following story []:

The regular consumption of salicylic acid, or its consumption in higher doses, could unexpectedly promote and prolong bacterial colonization, as shown by a joint study conducted by Monika Ehling-Schulz's group from the Institute of Microbiology, Vetmeduni Vienna, together with the research group of Fernanda Buzzola from the University of Buenos Aires. The research stays were in part funded by the Mobility Programme for Scientific and Technological Cooperation between Austria and Argentina.

Iron is an important trace element for the human body and plays an essential role in blood formation. The metabolism of many bacteria, including S. aureus, also depends on the availability of iron molecules. Salicylic acid forms complexes with iron ions in the blood and so deprives not only us but also the staphylococcal bacteria of this element. S. aureus modifies its metabolism if it obtains no or only insufficient iron. The microorganism reacts to the changed -- from its perspective, negative -- conditions through the intensified formation of a biofilm, a sort of layer of slime formed by the aggregation of individual bacteria, as Tom Grunert of the Institute for Microbiology at Vetmeduni Vienna explains. The accelerated biofilm production allows the bacteria to survive for an even longer period under unfavourable living conditions.

This increased biofilm formation is promoted by the regular or increased consumption of salicylic acid. As pain relief medication, this compound is usually not taken regularly. However, it also is a component of anti-acne preparations and certain exfoliate products, which are often used for a longer period of time. Since salicylic acid is found in fruits and vegetables, people who follow a mostly vegetarian diet might also affected. "These people consume a small dose of the substance virtually every day," says Grunert. The use of certain medications further increases the iron limitation. Taken orally, salicylic acid enters the blood circulation and forms there complexes with the iron ions.

The research team demonstrated this effect in a laboratory experiment. "We first confirmed that salicylic acid, which is known for its capacity to form iron complexes, really does 'capture' the iron that is important for the staphylococcal bacteria," says Grunert. The formation of the bacterial biofilm was then demonstrated through different doses of salicylic acid. "We grew a staphylococcal culture in a special, iron-rich medium -- a nutrient solution -- in a laboratory dish." The addition of salicylic acid resulted in a further increase of biofilm. Moreover, the treatment of mice with salicylic acid demonstrably resulted in prolonged colonization of the nasal mucosa by S. aureus.

"We were able to show that the frequent consumption of salicylic acid as well as a vegetarian diet can promote the colonization of the upper respiratory tract by S. aureus, which may contribute to staphylococcal infections that are long lasting and more difficult to treat" explains Grunert.

-- submitted from IRC

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