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Scientists Produce Electricity by Evaporating Water From a Chunk of Soot

Accepted submission by Fnord666 at 2017-02-04 06:05:44

In today's odd science news, researchers have shown that they can produce [] electricity by evaporating water from a chunk of soot. The research falls into the category of systems that extract electricity from waste [] energy [] around us—kind of like generating electricity from swaying [] buildings or powering your watch from your own movements. But this was a result that I did not expect.

The experiments that make up the new work are so simple that pretty much anyone can do them themselves. Take a hydrocarbon of choice and set it on fire so that it burns with a yellow flame. Then hold a bit of glass in the flame so that it gets covered in soot. Afterward, expose the carbon to an atmospheric plasma. Tape some electrodes to the carbon and then lower it into some water. The porous carbon drags water into itself through capillary forces, and when the water later evaporates from the carbon surface, electricity is generated. Not much, admittedly, at 53nW per square centimeter, but still enough to raise eyebrows.

It turns out that there is a commonly known mechanism that could cause this effect. Water always has some ions in it, and as it flows, it drags these ions along. So you get an electric current associated with the flow of water. In this case, the flow is induced by evaporation, but you could get the same effect by making the water flow downward via gravity. Oddly, however, that flow isn't generating most of the electricity. By controlling where the evaporation could take place and measuring the current due to flow only, the researchers behind these experiments determined that the streaming water contributed about one-fifth of the total voltage.

It's pretty clear that the researchers themselves don't really understand where the charge is coming from, but they've made every effort to eliminate possible systematic errors. They used a fan to change the rate of evaporation, which showed that the voltage varied with the evaporation rate. They opened and shut the container to start and stop evaporation, which switched the voltage on and off as well. They used deionized water for most experiments, but they performed some with varying amounts of salt to show that the current was not simply due to ion contamination.

The team ran the experiment for hours, showing that as long as there was water to evaporate, the carbon sheet produced a voltage. They also placed multiple electrodes at different heights in the carbon sheet, and the voltage got progressively higher for electrodes higher on the carbon sheet. Current cut out when electrodes were placed beyond the height of the water column in the sheet.

So I'm pretty confident that the researchers are producing electricity—they even powered a small LCD display. But I don't understand why it works.

Source: []


Guobin Xue, et al.,Water-evaporation-induced electricity with nanostructured carbon materials, Nature Nanotechnology (2017) doi:10.1038/nnano.2016.300 []

Original Submission