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The Real Threat Is Machine Incompetence, Not Intelligence

Accepted submission by AnonTechie at 2017-02-07 06:51:47

Forget super-AI. Crappy AI is more likely to be our downfall, argues researcher.

It's not that computer scientists haven't argued against AI hype [], but an academic you've never heard of (all of them?) pitching the headline "AI is hard" is at a disadvantage to the famous person whose job description largely centers around making big public pronouncements. This month that academic is Alan Bundy, a professor of automated reasoning at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland, who argues in the Communications of the ACM [] that there is a real AI threat, but it's not human-like machine intelligence gone amok. Quite the opposite: the danger is instead shitty AI. Incompetent, bumbling machines.

Bundy notes that most all of our big-deal AI successes in recent years are extremely narrow in scope. We have machines that can play Jeopardy and Go—at tremendous cost in both cases—but that's nothing like general intelligence. []

An interesting take on the AI question. What do Soylentils think of this scenario ?

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