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President Trump Becoming a One Man Demographic for Cable News Advertising

Accepted submission by takyon at 2017-02-08 05:48:06

News shows known to be seen by the President of the United States, such as MSNBC's Morning Joe and Fox News' The O'Reilly Factor are raising their advertising rates []:

The ad rates for "Morning Joe" have more than doubled post-election, according to one veteran media buyer. Trump, who reportedly watches the show most mornings, has a close relationship with "Morning Joe" host Joe Scarborough, and they talk regularly. Fox News' "The O'Reilly Factor" and other prime-time programs on Fox News have boosted their rates about 50 percent. Trump also is a frequent viewer of the network's prime-time shows.

"The president's media habits are so predictable, advertisers migrate to those areas," said one media buyer. One prominent D.C. consultant said some of his clients, including a big bank and major pharmaceutical company, were negotiating this week to buy ads on "O'Reilly" and "Morning Joe" because they knew they had a good chance of reaching the president. Trump has also been known to respond directly to what he's watching on television and tweet statistics and topics he sees on-air. Those tweets often drive news coverage during the day.

Also at The Atlantic [].

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