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Pale Moon 27.1 released with major compatibility improvements

Accepted submission by AndyTheAbsurd at 2017-02-09 14:54:08

Fans of the Pale Moon web browser [] are probably already aware of this, but version 27.1 has been released as of February 9th, 2017. This update brings a number of improvements, some of them pretty major; here's a handful that I think are worth noting:

This version introduces the so-called "PMkit" modules, our effort to restore most compatibility with Firefox Jetpack/SDK extensions

Reworked the media back-end completely (thanks Travis!) to use FFmpeg (including support for FFmpeg v3 and MP3 playback) and our own MP4 parser, and no longer relying on gstreamer on Linux

Changed the way scripts are handled when they are stopped from the "unresponsive script" dialog, to prevent browser lockup

Made the use of let as a keyword versionless and ES6 compliant

You can read the full release notes in the forum thread about it [] or on the release notes [] page.

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