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Twitter Remains Unprofitable in Q4 2016

Accepted submission by takyon at 2017-02-10 01:22:25

Despite the introduction of advertising, live video streaming, and the visibility of high-profile users like the President of the United States, Twitter remains unprofitable []:

For all the buzz the San Francisco company has created as the preferred platform for U.S. President Donald Trump and other high-profile figures, Twitter has lost more than $1.5 billion cumulatively since it went public in late 2013.

The company has almost $1 billion in cash on hand, and the losses are due in part to employee stock compensation, a non-cash expense. That is little comfort, though, for shareholders who end up footing the bill for those costs in the form of dilution.

Further, the company said it was revisiting core advertising strategies, suggesting a quick turnaround on revenue was not likely. Fourth-quarter revenue of $717 million was well short of analysts' expectations.

Also at ABC [], BBC [], and CNET [].

Original Submission