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A free trip to NZ for IT professionals

Accepted submission by GeriatricGentleman at 2017-03-09 02:51:00
Career & Education

Wellington (capital of New Zealand) is looking for 100 qualified IT professionals and will pay for flights and accommodation from anywhere and introduce them to employers like Weta Digital, Xero etc.

But of course there is a catch...I lived and worked in Wellington for a few years: it is a fairly small and affordable city to live in, treats ex-pats well, has an amazing vibrant inner city, magnificent scenery and on a good day is truly wonderful. However, good days are few and far between and you have to tie down small children and old people when the wind blows - which is most days.

Anyway, for all those who aren't enamoured of your current Trump ridden, Brexit pending, war torn or whatever environment - here's a chance to do something about it. []
You have a couple of weeks before it closes up shop.

Yeah, I know - this sounds like an ad. I would like to know about other peoples experiences as ex-pats though. What makes a good place to live and work for you?

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