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Linux, Meet DisplayPort

Accepted submission by CoolHand at 2017-04-04 12:42:37
LinuxGizmos has an interesting article [] on how an Intel Engineer fixed up LInux's DisplayPort compliance, and got the kernel patched moved upstream.

At ELC 2017, Intel's Manasi Navare described how she patched Linux 4.12 for true DisplayPort compliance, and offered tips on pushing patches upstream.

If you've ever hooked up a Linux computer to a DisplayPort monitor and encountered only a flickering or blank screen, we've got good news for you. A graphics kernel developer at Intel's Open Source Technology Center has solved the problem with a patch that will go into Linux Kernel 4.12. Manasi Navare's patch modifies Atomic Kernel Mode Setting (KMS) technology to gracefully drop down to a lower resolution to display the image.

"Someone had to fix this problem, so I said okay, I have the knowledge and I have the community to help me," said Navare at the recent Embedded Linux Conference.

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