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Paper on Microplastic's Harm to Fish Will Likely be Retracted

Accepted submission by takyon at 2017-04-28 23:48:54
Science []

It took more then 10 months, but today the scientists who blew the whistle on a paper in Science about the dangers of microplastics for fish have been vindicated. An expert group at Sweden's Central Ethical Review Board (CEPN) has concluded that the paper's authors, Oona Lönnstedt and Peter Eklöv of Uppsala University (UU), committed "scientific dishonesty" and says that Science should retract the paper, which appeared in June 2016.

Science published an editorial expression of concern [] [DOI: 10.1126/science.aah6990] [DX []]—which signals that a paper has come under suspicion—on 3 December 2016, and deputy editor Andrew Sugden says a retraction statement is now in preparation. (Science's news department, which works independently of the journal's editorial side, published a feature about the case in March [].)

The report [] comes as a "huge relief," says UU's Josefin Sundin, one of seven researchers in five countries who claimed the paper contained fabricated data shortly after it came out.

Related: Study Demonstrates Harm to Fish Caused by Microplastics [] (oops)

Original Submission